Bi-Folding Doors

Schweiss Bi-fold Doors
Schwiess famous “Lift-Strap” Bi-fold Doors feature their patented lift-straps and the strap autolatch systems – two features not offered by any other door manufacturer. Forward Door of New York can advise you on the different models of Schweiss long-lasting and quietly opening bi-fold doors. We can also service an maintain all Schweiss bi-fold doors.

Lift Straps vs. Cable Lifts
Schweiss Lift Straps have revolutionized the door world by opening and closing much more quickly. quietly and effortlessly. Not only are they safe, but they’re also easy to install, and they’re much longer lasting. lift straps offer more lifting ability, won’t fray or overwrap! The strength-to-weight ratio on straps is extremely high.

Auto Latching System
Schweiss designed a new auto latch that uses a “Latch Strap” instead of steel cables which are constantly fraying or in need of adjustments and replacement. The “Latch Strap” design sets Schweiss apart from other bi-fold doors that are using cables to latch their door in tight.
If you’d like to learn more about our bi-folding door installation and repair services, contact us by phone or email, or fill out the “Request A Quote” form at the bottom of this page.